STATUS: Approved
COMMENTS: To be reviewed 01/09/2022
This policy outlines the procedures in place for reporting and investigating Serious Untoward Incidents, ensuring that employees are aware of their responsibilities; investigations are carried out appropriately and in a timely manner; and efforts are made to prevent recurrence.
A Serious Untoward Incident (SUI) can be defined as an event which results in serious injury, major permanent harm, or unexpected death. These may also be incidents which are likely to cause public concern.
In cases where there is a ‘near miss’ but under different circumstances there would be a likely occurrence of serious injury, major permanent harm or unexpected death; follow procedures for SUI.
Procedure and Guidance
The reporting of any SUI is mandatory. Staff must:
In order to manage SUI’s effectively action must be taken within specific time frames.
Within 24 hours:
Within 5 working days:
An investigation of a SUI should:
All involved parties should be kept informed of on-going investigations and their outcomes.
Reporting to RIDDOR
The company accepts legal responsibility for the Reporting of Injuries, Dangerous Occurrence and Diseases (RIDDOR).
This includes:
Reporting to the Police
A death should be reported to the police if:
All staff members are responsible for reporting incidents and concerns.
Staff should refer to the company’s Whistleblowing policy when:
Examples of Serious Untoward Incidents
Correct procedures MUST be followed for SUI’s involving Clients and staff members, as well as members of the public should they experience an SUI whilst visiting the premises.
Supporting Staff
The company aims to minimise SUI’s through risk assessment and taking appropriate actions following an investigation.
All employees and sub-contractors who may have to deal with a traumatic or stressful incident will be supported by the company.
The company will refer individuals to external services for counselling and allow for time away from work to attend appointments.
This policy will be introduced to all staff at induction and reviewed annually.
KLOE Reference for this Policy: Well-Led | Safe | Effective
Regulations directly linked to this Policy: Regulation 12: Safe Care and Treatment | Regulation 17: Good Governance
Regulation(s) relevant to this Policy:
Next Review